Beecher's Luck
1 x Half Hour
Broadcaster: RTE1
Co-Produced With Horsin' Around
For the Beecher Family, the Dublin International Horse Show has long been an annual pilgrimage. This half hour documentary follows father Tim, son Paul and the many characters associated with Loughnatusa Stud as they ready themselves for the 2014 show. Tim, a leading breeder and Paul, a rider of considerable renown are hoping they can ride their luck all the way to victory at the biggest event on the domestic calendar.
On the face of it, Loughnatusa in Tallow, west Waterford is like many other farms. Situated on 130 acres, home to more than 100 horses, housed in 45 Stabes. But the truth is Loughnatusa is unique, it’s been built from the very first acre on the game of chance that is horsebreeding and for the Beecher family they’ve ridden the associated good and bad luck for more than half a century with the Dublin Horse Show critical to the family business from the outset.